100% vineyard of Gospodriei Taranesti Frangu.
The grapes used to produce this wine were grown and harvested on the Frangu family's small farm, the vineyard, of only 3 hectares, located near the village of Salcia, Taraclia, in the heart of Bugeac.

100% selective hand-harvesting in 10kg crates.

The grapes were initially pre-chilled to 0°C and loaded into the press directly, without destemming, for a more gentle pressing and minimizing intervention at the must stage.

Fermented in stainless steel vessels at low temperatures of 12-13°C with mix of indigenous and selective yeasts. Partial malolactic fermentation.

85% of the wine in stainless steel vats, 6 months in contact with sediment of fine yeast, with batonnage and careful monitoring of evolution.

15% of the wine matured for 5 months in French oak barrels second passage and with spent malolactic fermentation.
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